Extension-based Information for Wildlife Damage Management
Putting University Research to Use
The Wildlife Damage Management Program allows management experts and other stakeholders to address numerous wildlife damage concerns. Our staff coordinate research projects with an education and information dissemination program that reaches extension specialists, growers, nurserymen, and homeowners throughout New York State and the northeast. There are numerous publications and links on this site to help people address wildlife conflicts. Also, there is information concerning current and past wildlife-related research projects.
National Wildlife Control Training Program
The National Wildlife Control Training Program is a cooperative venture of Cornell University, University of Wisconsin-Stephens Point, eXtension, and professionals interested in wildlife damage management. We welcome the participation of state and federal agencies, industry trade groups, and private companies. The goal of the NWCTP is to create and coordinate a uniform training program and to create national standards for nuisance wildlife control and wildlife damage management. The curriculum in the NWCTP consists of core modules reflecting the principles and methodology of the best practices of wildlife damage management using integrated pest management as applied to human-wildlife conflicts. In addition to the core curriculum, there are dozens of species profiles with specific animal handling and control techniques.