Penn State Publications Penn State Publications Pennsylvania State University – College of Agricultural Sciences Landowner’s Guide to Wildlife Control and Prevention Laws in Pennsylvania From the Woods: White-tailed deer A Homeowner’s Guide to Northeastern Bats and Bat Problems Wildlife Damage Control 1: Rabies Wildlife Damage Control 2: Woodpeckers Wildlife Damage Control 3: Black Bear Wildlife Damage Control 4: Bats Wildlife Damage Control 5: Moles Wildlife Damage Control 6: Geese, Ducks and Swans Wildlife Damage Control 7: Cottontail Rabbits Wildlife Damage Control 8: Woodchucks Wildlife Damage Control 9: Voles Wildlife Damage Control 10: Tree Squirrels Wildlife Damage Control 11: Skunks Wildlife Damage Control 12: Controlling Birds at Aquaculture Facilities Wildlife Damage Control 13: Chipmunks Wildlife Damage Control 14: Controlling Birds on Fruit Crops Wildlife Damage Control 15: Snakes Wildlife Damage Control 16: Controlling Birds Around Farm Buildings